Friday, July 27, 2012

The third day...

         I ate so much bacon for breakfast today. I wake up at 6am sharp automatically every morning here in Vancouver. Today is the day when Severn Cullis-Suzuki is coming to give us a speech. I have been looking forward to her speech for a long time. Her speech is very motivating and inspiring. I believe that she has such a strong power to influence people's mind. This is so far the best speech! I feel that I need to start to voice out and take action. I had so much ideas and thought popped into my mind right after Severn's speech.

Severn Suzuki is such an inspirational person.

         After Severn's speech, I walked to Swing Space right away for the concurrent session which is about the organizational DNA. From here, we were exposed to real life situation of a company in Canada called SunCore. I have to identify problems and suggest solutions. I find that it's very useful because I got to know all sort of possible solutions to sustain a firm. The solution focus on different areas that enable more comprehensive improvement.

This is a little small to see, but here's my solution.

The others have their solution in sequence and pasted on wall with different pattern.
Mine seems to be boring.

          Followed by lunch then a speech by Quinn Runkle, one of the students in UBC that have been an active activist for years. She shared her experience and it gives me ideas of what can I do back at school for environmental sustainability.

         The GAT Group Meeting after Quinn's speech discuss about out thought on the Socrates Dialogue that we have wrote on Monday and Tuesday. It let the ideas and inspiration stay in my mind.

         The final  activity for today is the Kutapira music performance. It was very catchy and fun. Everyone in the CIRS Theatre stand up to sing and dance to the music. I enjoyed myself very much.

Everyone gone WILD with the Kutapira music after a while.
Even I lost myself and dance to the music like there's no tomorrow.

         I went to the Aquatic Centre in UBC with my friends from Japan, Miyu and Sasuki. While finding our way to get into the building, we met two girls named Danielle and Chloe. I had a great chat with Chloe while walking back to the dorm room. We shared our culture and life stories. I learned so much about her origin.

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